Making of Campaign Old Jeffrey 2017

Our illusion. Our sense of eagerness to start generating content that managed to communicate the spirit that we wanted to fill Old Jeffrey with. Difficult task to find allies. Your understanding is required. That they feel identified. That they feel the project as theirs. That they share your values, your traits. Old Jeffrey was looking for partners. I was looking for playmates.

The search is over. We finally found them. Young and eager like us. A proactive team. A powerful group and owner of immense creativity. Imagination accompanied by an eminently constructive attitude. What if; We decided to go hand in hand with them. We form an energetic alliance. We team up with Light Bros Creative. They would guide us. Sure they would.

Old Jeffrey as a thought. Old Jeffrey as an attitude. Old Jeffrey as a legacy extending his arm to anyone who shares his values; his mischief, his gallantry, his adventurous spirit, his attitude, his "You´ll Never Know Until You Go"

With this clear, we only had one more person left to form a beautiful brigade. Who would be the first to become part of the Old Jeffrey legacy? It had to be him. We had it clear. Fernando Ojeda. It was in him that we detected the values ​​through which we wanted to rule ourselves. A nonconformist spirit and improper style. He was the key to closing the revolution.

Our space, our Old Jeffrey Store. Worthy of study. It would have been unforgivable not to take advantage of this atypically shocking atmosphere to merge the careful style of Old Jeffrey, fitting in with a space in which industrial aesthetics and the taste of tailoring for details coexist. Old Jeffrey store became the best of the sets.

The result? Unbeatable

Thank you LightBros, thank you Fernando.

A toast to continuing this legacy.
